Missing the best call to action, have you ever considered that your first serious profit leak could be this? Do you underestimate the power of your free incentive beyond getting an email address? 

In doing online business, you need to make sure that you attract the right clients only 

You can lose money if you are advertising and using a pay-per-click model. This is due to enticing the wrong visitor to your site.  

Take time to research and put careful thought and testing into your incentive and best call to action words 

Because your incentive is what you are offering in exchange for the visitor’s contact details and consent to being on your list. 

call to action

Many coaches offer ‘free strategy sessions’ with the idea that the potential client will like the taste of coaching.  

This can be a serious mistake!  

It can be a huge leak of your time and energy unless you do it the right way. 

Don’t treat your free strategy session as a ‘sample’.  

  • Make it clear that this session will solve a one-time-only specific problem and provide a specific result that will help the session taker move forward.  
  • Make it clear that the potential client should expect to be asked to continue on with paid coaching using a call to action.  

Remember – you have the right to say, ‘I don’t think you are ready for my services right now’ and soften any perceived rejection.  

By redirecting your attendee to a self-help workbook instead or refer her to a joint venture partner. 

If you don’t want to use a free consultation as an incentive, consider what other types of free incentives would excite the right visitor into signing up.  

It could be a report – one that solves the problem that drove the visitor to your site – or a free copy of an eBook you have written. 

Whatever you decide, make sure your gift or incentive does contain and conclude with strong call to action phrases directing the reader to your paid services. 

The key point to remember when creating your sign-up incentive is to have a goal for the incentive in mind.  

  • What do you want this visitor to get from this? 
  • Will it be the perfect gift or step for him right now? 
  • What do you want him to do – simply sign-up to your email list or progress to paid coaching? 

Make your incentive attractive only to the right visitor. Actively drive the rest away. 

While that sounds counter-productive, you are in a unique situation to pre-qualify people before they get on your list by using the best call to action.

In the long run, this will pay off for you by having a very targeted list of people that are better community members, more engaged, and most likely to purchase your offers. 

If having a call to action concept and strategy is new to you, we want to introduce you to the latest MyNAMS Profit Planner called “Plug Your Profit Leaks“.

It’s a complete training program that delivers step-by-step implementation plans to help you start fixing profit leaks in your business. 

This value-packed information will give you everything you need to identify and fix the profit leaks in your business fast. 
call to action

What’s covered in this training? 

  • Identify Common Leaks and Boost Your Profits 
  • 3 Basic Skills for Getting More Sales 
  • 5 Ways to Increase Profits Now 

And what do you get? 

  • Textbook 
  • Workbook  
  • Checklist  
  • Tools and Resources Guide 
  • Idea Generator 
  • Infographic with key points 

Check it out here. 

This is a complete, concise implementation plan that gets to the key information and walks you through fixing the common profit leaks. 

So, don’t miss this opportunity.  

Start to identify and fix the profit leak in your business, fast!



If you want access to additional topics for improving your business, then check this out. 

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